New Komeito Middle East dispatch note the activities of even the ...


Middle East dispatch of the Self-Defense Forces

New Komeito Middle East dispatch note the activities of even the ... Government for the SDF dispatch to the Middle East tension increases, embarked on full-scale investigation of specific measures. Based on the Ministry of Defense Establishment Law [research] was used as a legal basis, assuming the warning and surveillance activities by escort ships and patrol aircraft. However, weapons usage rights of integrity and dispatch personnel of the Constitution of the case that has been involved in a military conflict, challenges abound. [Earth column] [hesitation was not] to military service Israeli-year-old Japanese woman sergeant Research activities are information gathering purposes, protection of Japanese vessels are not included in the mission. Without the need for a National Assembly approval, it can be rapid dispatch. The Ministry of Defense received the instruction of the National Security Council of Japan (NSC), set up a study team in the integration Staff Office. Deal with policies and necessary equipment for each situation that is assumed, began the simulation of such legal integrity.
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